i are cute kitten

i am talking cat. kind of you to depress orange button for subscribing. sending my moving picture to your family would be high honor for me. i our very cute …
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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50 Responses to i are cute kitten

  1. grimgroove says:

    So basically you put your kitten in stuff, video tape it when it crawls back out from its temporary prison and then put some retarded song over it all. You deserve hell.

  2. kristian hurley says:

    so adorable o my glob glob glob plz send me a pic uv that cute thang

  3. ghandaboard says:

    Naww!! It’s little meow at the end just got right in the cuteness overload!!

  4. G . W . babycat says:

    It is soooo adorable I see why it has 44 million views

  5. Douglas Kowalsky says:

    what the hell did i just watch?!

  6. krillin811 says:

    I got here because of the opie and anthony show.Cute kitty but not the best cat video the internet has to offer.

  7. Abjini Blom says:

    so cutie

  8. ManahilChohan101 says:

    Never gets old

  9. Huntertheairsofter says:

    So cute

  10. OscarCam100 says:

    omg!!!!!!!!! he is so cute!!!!!!!!!!

  11. R3dstoneM1ner says:

    the kitten needs grammar…

  12. jaden9515 says:

    wheres da coffe i wants some!!!

  13. Elliott Kerns says:

    omg so cute

  14. killerjake0z says:

    Soooo cute….shteeeeeve

  15. Samantha Magallanez says:

    Soooo cute but not as cute as mine lol

  16. Harurtz Slipknotfan says:

    Cute cat but your spelling need bettering ;D

  17. SuperShadowWolfZero7 says:

    poor cat is fully grown now 😦

  18. Jessica Mcfarlane says:


  19. F9OoOLY1 says:

    My kitty is much cuter than this

  20. HaneenEmad Kassim says:

    Awwww so cute!!!

  21. 燕政 陳 says:

    Is it a boy or girl. I have a kitty just like that

  22. Sky14318 says:


  23. Mike Finch says:


  24. Ansel Freeman says:


  25. Hope Estheim says:

    JK love it XD

  26. John Smith says:

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    I´m sure I am not the only one using this software and earning good money every day

  27. john Branford says:

    OMFG!!! I got also shocked when i saw the description link, how does it work? It has lots of references around the internet and people earning money with it, pls let us know I watched the full video and the guy was even invited to the white house by the president Obama

  28. Mark Sullivan says:

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  29. Anthony Golden says:

    How Many Fails Did You Do?

  30. Al Kimia says:

    You kind of feel bad for these people but then you remember that more than half of them are idiots and then you kind of laugh and feel like they deserve it hahah

  31. pepsi cola says:


  32. Julie Y. says:

    33:38 is my fav 😀

  33. Jimbo_ Jim_X says:

    hahaha Love the guy who’s giving his own hand to a crocodile, what a crazy fool

  34. alain joufret says:

    merci pour cette video bonne idee les 1h 

  35. AngealHewley01 says:

    Looking for the techno songs in the Fail compilation!! 😀 4:48= Find Yourself: John O’Callaghan. 42:30 = ???

  36. Josh Tompkins says:

    i love the cat makin the tv fall

  37. chome stallion says:

    i bet this took more than an hour to make

  38. Max Ari says:


  39. PlaySDolittle says:

    hi 😀

  40. MandoAndo1 says:


  41. OneShotHell says:


  42. EcoNemy FreshEditing says:

    Every Body Go home your DRUNK!!

  43. Omar Anvari says:

    If it was HD it would be awesome

  44. PoulWithAnO says:

    Man some of these so brutal… When that skater got hit by a car I covered my face

  45. CaTo65996497 says:

    Your lier this is just 59:59

  46. Jason D. says:

    best hour of my life?

  47. dieterich2006 says:

    Some of these “Fails” are wins cause they managed not to die.

  48. BlueLightningStrike5 says:

    FUCK “I got that on cameraaaa! :D”

  49. StevioooSvN says:

    Agreed, Most people who create fail compilation videos use too many crashing clips. It get boring quickly.
    But this video was funny nonetheless.

  50. Has1b says:

    I don’t know why they put crash fails on. Most of those aren’t funny.

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